KCD Co., Ltd

Mega Bio

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Mega Bio

Mega Bio


Mega bio is high quality probiotic product formulated specifically for animal feed supplement.

It provides not only probiotics but also digestive enzymes including amylase, protease and lipase. It will generate high performance and increase farmer's profit.


Probiotics Bacillus Subtilis, Saccharomyces Cerevisiae, and others
Prebiotics Wheat Bran, Corn Gluten, Full-Fat Soybean, DDGS, Molasses
Other Additives Amino Acid(Lysine), Nucleotides
Fermented Feed Applicable to make the Fermented Toral Mixed Ration Feed

How to use

Swine 3 - 5kg/ton of feed
Poultry 3 - 5kg/ton of feed
Cow 3 - 5 kg/ton of feed
Fish 0.5 - 1kg/ton of feed


  • Increasing digestibility
  • Decreasing FCR
  • Prevent and treat diarrhea
  • Odor reduction of manure
  • Improve environment

Packing size

  • 10kg


  • Store at cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight
Address : 815-1, Yuram-ri, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-31-366-7185 ㅣ Fax : +82-31-366-7186 ㅣ E-mail : kcdbiokr@gmail.com

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