KCD Co., Ltd

Nano Ion Silicic

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Nano Ion Silicic

Nano Ion Silicic


It is an ionized product of silicon and absorbed 100% by the crop and good for growth especially of roots. The formation of silicate middle layer strengthens the plant tissue 3~5times. It strengthens from various pests, cold weather and drought.

Increase freshness, sugar content and yields.


Ion silicon

How to use

Crops Period Dosage Usage cycle
Leafy vegetables
Fruit vegetables
Seeding raising 1,500 times Every 2 weeks
Growth 1,000 times Every 2 weeks
Harvest 500 times Every 2 weeks
Preventin over
growth, fattening root
500 times Every 2 weeks
Fruit tree
Root vegetables
Seeding raising 1,000 times Every 2 weeks
Growth & Harvest 500 times Every 2 to 3 weeks
Young 1,000 - 2,000 times Every 2 weeks
Mature 500 - 1,000 times

Packing size

  • 1L, 20L


  • In case of contact with eyes or skin, wash with clean water.
  • Keep in a cool place away from direct sunlight without reaching the hands of children.
  • Read the precautions when mixing with other products and use after consultation.
Address : 815-1, Yuram-ri, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-31-366-7185 ㅣ Fax : +82-31-366-7186 ㅣ E-mail : kcdbiokr@gmail.com

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