KCD Co., Ltd


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Contains more than 30 kinds of various water-soluble minerals,
Liquid product that can be absorbed 100% into animals


Calcium Magnesium Moisture
160mg/L or more 160mg/L or more 99.8% or less

How to use

  • Daily amountBasically 1L of E-Max / 6 tons of water
  • Laying hens30,000 laying hens : 1L / day
  • Broiler breeder10,000 breeding poultry : 500ml ~ 1L /day
  • Cow (1 cow) 20 ~ 30ml / day


It helps to digest corn, boost immunity, promote growth and creates a pleasant odor-free livestock environment.

  • Odor reduction
  • Digestibility
  • Loose feces
  • Immunity
  • Weight
  • Increase birth
  • High egg laying rate
  • Milk quantity & quality

Packing size

  • 5L, 20L


  • Seal and store in a cool place after use
  • Do not mix with antibiotics in water
Address : 815-1, Yuram-ri, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-31-366-7185 ㅣ Fax : +82-31-366-7186 ㅣ E-mail : kcdbiokr@gmail.com

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