KCD Co., Ltd

Aqua Pet

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Aqua Pet

Aqua Pet


Contains various enzymes as a water-soluble natural mineral substance manufactured from the fermentation of coral rocks, natural minerals and plant extracts over a long period of time.


Lactic acid Glucose Fructooligoaccharide
more than 100mg/L more than 100mg/L more than 450mg/L

How to use

  • 1 tube per day with food or water


  • Creates healthy skin and hair
  • Reduces the tears and sleep from the eyes and removes odors
  • Removes the odors of feces, urine and mouth
  • Helps build healthy bones and teeth
  • Helps with active metabolic activity
  • Helps smooth muscle activity
  • Relieve the dermatitis (allergy, skin troubles, dry skin)

Packing size

  • 1 tube - 12ml
  • 1 small box: 30tubes


  • Store at cool and dry place avoid direct sunlight
Address : 815-1, Yuram-ri, Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
Tel : +82-31-366-7185 ㅣ Fax : +82-31-366-7186 ㅣ E-mail : kcdbiokr@gmail.com

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